D-mine® Pump Training App

An interactive and empowering application, provided by EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH, that helps Healthcare Professionals in learning the overall function of the D-mine® Pump. The application contains a D-mine® pump simulator, for better understanding of the device, information regarding the total usage of it, training exercises that are carried out on the simulator and various other features.
This application is addressed exclusively to Healthcare Professionals.

For further information or technical support regarding the D-mine® Pump TRAINING APP, please contact:

EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH
Oberburgau 3
4866 Unterach, Austria
Phone: +43 7665 20555 0
Fax:+43 7665 20555 910

UID-No.:ATU 64474508
Commercial Register No.:FN 316993 t
Registration Court: Regional Court Salzburg
Authority according to the E-Commerce Act: District Administration Authority Salzburg-Umgebung
EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH is member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.